How To Gain Muscle Mass And Lose Fat | Build Muscle, Lose Fat Workout Plan

How to gain muscle mass and lose fat. Hey, guys in this article, I will talk about build muscle, lose fat workout plan.

How To Gain Muscle Mass And Lose Fat

Before we begin, let's destroy a myth. Many people think that you CANNOT gain muscle mass and burn fat. Fake! You can burn fat gradually while making good progress in muscle mass. Here's how

A very common thing in bodybuilding and even fitness is the bulking phase. More in Romania, you have to eat a lot and gain weight to gain muscle mass. Well, even if it's a useful thing, not everyone should apply it.

If you are not a professional bodybuilder and do not participate in competitions, I am sure you do not want to be half fat year and half year super defined. If you want this, this article is not for you.

Now, if you want to burn fat and increase muscle mass, you have to be careful. You need to consume enough calories to maintain muscle mass while making smart choices that will guide your body to burn calories from adipose tissue, not muscle.

We will talk about smart choices as soon as we clarify one thing: diet will not be enough. If you want to increase your weight and burn fat, you need to combine gym training with a few healthy cardio sessions.

Must Read: Can I Lose Body Fat Without Exercise?

6 Tricks to Teach You How To Gain Muscle Mass And Lose Fat

1. Increase protein intake

Don't be afraid to increase your protein intake. Try to take 2-2.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight daily. It may seem like an exaggeration, but it will help you a lot over time.

A sufficient number of proteins evenly distributed throughout the day prevents the metabolism of muscle tissue. When protein amino acids travel in abundance through the body, your body does not consider it necessary to use muscle as fuel.

Why would the body use muscles in this way?

Because if you want to lose weight you have to be in a caloric deficit, this means that you will consume energy from either adipose tissue or muscle, and your body sees fat as a vital source of energy while muscles are the exact opposite, consumers of energy.

What does a "sufficient" number of proteins mean?

Well, if you are a healthy person and weigh 70 kg, a sufficient number of proteins taken daily would be 280. It may seem like a lot, but there are about 1,200 calories.

In addition, it has been shown that a diet based on a large number of proteins has a positive impact on the number of calories burned. It seems that proteins increase the number of calories burned by digestion, absorption, and distribution of nutrients in the body.

So if you eat enough protein not only will you not lose muscle mass, but you will also lose weight faster.

How can you get more protein daily?

There are several ways to increase the number of proteins taken daily. You can rely on foods rich in protein but they come bundled with a few extra calories, and if you want to lose weight you need as few calories as possible.

Another method would be to take a whey protein supplement, known as Whey Protein. If you want to know what benefits whey proteins bring, read this article.

If you want quality protein at a reasonable price, try MyProtein. They offer a protein called Impact Whey Protein which is number 1 in Europe, so you have a guarantee of quality.

2. Not To Lose Weight, But To Build Muscle

If your strategy is low-weight circuit training, do yourself a favor and stop! That's if you want to lose weight and gain muscle mass. Replace everything you've heard so far about "weight loss exercises" with the real fat burners: compound exercises. 

I don't think it's a better way to build muscle and lose weight than using compound exercises such as knee bends, deadlifts, presses (both for the shoulders and chest), and the hamstring 

These movements allow you to work with the heaviest weights while stimulating as many muscle fibers as possible, so these exercises should be the foundation of any workout from now on.

Focus on weight gain using weights that allow you a maximum of 6-8 reps per set. This will make you stronger, build muscle mass and lose weight.

You can also incorporate workouts with several repetitions, as long as you do not exceed the number of 12-15 repetitions with a challenging weight.

Thus, if you combine the exercises with few and heavy repetitions with the exercises with more and more difficult repetitions, you will obtain the best stimulus for the increase of muscular mass.

Must Read: 5 Ways To Lose Weight Keep Muscle Diet Plan

3. Cut out carbs

You were probably waiting for this advice, weren't you? Yes, you have to cut out carbs - not all of them, but you have to cut them down.

Many of us have problems with carbohydrates due to all the delicacies available. It is not for nothing that the number of obese people increases even as you read this…

Consume most carbs when you need them most: two hours before your workout and right after it.

The rest of the carbs you could eat must come from high-fiber vegetables. Vegetables will keep your hunger under control and your energy level constant throughout the day.

For carbs taken before and after training, you can try brown or white rice, oatmeal, or even potatoes.

4. Eat healthy fats 

Do you know where many go wrong? In terms of fat. Many people think that if they eat fat they will gain weight. Even if on the one hand it is true, fats are completely misunderstood by others.

Healthy fats play a crucial role in maintaining the health of your body: from maintaining skin and hair to maintaining hormone levels and cell structure. It also helps you by giving you a feeling of satiety.

Try to increase your consumption of healthy fats - not by much because they are also quite high in calories.

Examples of such fats would be salmon, sardines, walnuts, avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, and egg yolk.

5. Consume a moderate number of calories

If you want to go on the line between building muscle mass and burning fat, it is imperative to keep your calorie intake under control.

You don't have to be drastic and fast, and you don't have to eat as much of what is healthy as possible. Keep your balance so that you consume enough calories to build muscle mass while you have a small deficit at the end of the day to lose weight.

You are not on a diet! You try to increase muscle mass and burn fat. You need a proper number of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) to have energy in the room and to recover.

Must Read: How To Lose Weight Fast In 2 Weeks With Exercise

6. Use cardio to burn calories, not sweat

Do you know what I always see when I go to a gym? I always see a coach who "torments" either a group of boys and girls or just one person with all kinds of circuits with medicine balls, running on the spot while they are held by an elastic band and other thugs.

If you want to burn fat, don't focus on sweat or circuits that require a first aid crew at the end, focus on cardio.

Cardio is done daily for 20-60 minutes depending on your time and physical training. Any form of cardio you like from cycling to running or skipping rope. Whatever you can know for sure you will complete it every day.

My solution is LISS - Low-Intensity Steady State Cardio. Basically, I get on the belt, I put maximum inclination and walking speed of 3-4.5 km / h.

I put on my headphones, listen to an audiobook or respond to customer messages.

In conclusion, consume a lot of protein, cut out carbohydrates, train with compound exercises and avoid the classic cardio circuits.

Good luck, and don't forget: Stay Fit!

I hope you understand how to gain muscle mass and lose fat.

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